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main character syndrome

clarissa jane

I know that you know what Main Character Syndrome is, but I also have a hunch you might have the wrong idea about it. It is commonly used by narcissists to justify having a nasty, entitled attitude and declaring “that’s just how I am”. That’s just their own selfish way of taking claim over the title, and quite frankly, it brings shame to the name. Main character syndrome in reality, just might be your ticket to inner peace and success. One time in middle school, sitting at the lunch table with my best gal pals, one of them boldly stated “It’s my world and you’re all just living in it”, to which we all scuffed her off and chalked the statement up to her being a brat. Then I got to thinking: It really is her world and everyone’s just living in it. In HER mind. And in my mind, it’s MY world and everyone in my life is just living in it. Just the same as each individual human being on this planet. You will be the only person that ever sees the world through your own eyes. No matter how much detail you try to describe something you experienced to someone else, they will never understand or feel it in the same depth as you did, because they didn’t experience it through your brain and the way you absorbed the situation. At the end of the day, no matter if you’re sleeping alone or next to someone, you will be the only one thinking your thoughts, dreaming your dreams. It can be a frightening concept in the world of attempting to be understood, but simultaneously relieving. Now, this does not mean that you can treat everyone in your life as a servant to your world. That’s where the difference in Main Character Syndrome and narcissism comes into play. Karma is in fact, real. It might sound cliche to say, but it’s cliche for a very real reason; that everything you put out into the world will always come back to you, ten fold. Actively choosing to put out positive and encouraging energy can be tough. Especially if you feel like you’ve been wronged by something or somebody in your life. That’s when ego has the habit of taking over and attempting to guide your life through its lens. A negative inner monologue and narrative will bleed into your reality and impedes not only your life, but the people around you. Is it really aiding in your journey of happiness to give the middle finger to the driver that cut you off on the Cesar Chavez exit? Or would it just temporarily satisfy your ego? Instead of cussing out the bouncer at Latch Key that denied your expired ID, take a second and remember that you are not entitled to anything and go renew that license. Having an entitlement attitude towards the world is what allows for toxicity to circle around you. If you’re wondering why you’re constantly surrounded by negativity and entitlement, look inward and realize the contribution you’re making to employ that behavior. It’s not rocket science that the betterment of the world starts with you. No one else is inside your brain experiencing your thought process, so no one will understand your logic, whether it’s in good intention or not. I truly will never believe that anyone is happy with a

negative inner monologue. If you find yourself reacting with a short fuse and impatience, ask yourself what’s a part of your life or lifestyle that is fueling that negativity? Think about your life like this: you have the ability to write and direct your own script of your TV series starring YOU. Protect your peace from the inevitable subplots that attempt to distract you from your main plot. You get to make the cuts of what isn’t working, you get to write the title of the next season! Keep the new recipes, the new style, the positive influences around and start firing the things or people that drive your ego instead of your higher self. That is truly all that life is. Even when it doesn’t feel like it, you are in total control. When I tell people they have total control over their life, most laugh at me and start rambling off all the ways they don’t. They start saying “If I had enough money, maybe” or “Well I hate my job and I have no choice but to keep it”. These people start getting really creative with all the reasons why they aren’t in control of their lives. All I hear are a million excuses as to why they don’t WANT to be happy right now. Main character syndrome is a mindset. It’s a way of thinking that alters your perception of reality, bringing you to the fullest potential of your own happiness. Finances are the most common excuse as to why people aren’t happy. I’ll be honest, it does have a physical effect on your daily life in terms of what foods you get to eat, where you get to live, etc. It absolutely does NOT have control over your mind, as long as you don’t let it. If you had all the money in the world and it got to help you live on the water in a huge mansion with all the boats, clothes, shoes, amenities, whatever it may be, you won’t be happy until your mind and your heart is fulfilled. It all starts in your mind. Romanticize. Everything. If you’re eating spam for breakfast, your mind has the power to make that the best meal you’ve ever had in your life. Utilize the resources around you and again, you ARE the main character in your own series! Start seeing the world as something straight out of a Wes Anderson film, like it’s the most magical thing you’ve ever witnessed. Make getting out of bed in the morning the most beautiful thing you can do. Play a soundtrack in your head to the encaptivating series that is your life. Negativity is inevitable in this life, and it is the only reason that we have the ability to see the positive. Romanticize the negatives as well! Find the silver linings with the concept that every single thing happens for a reason. Your ego might take a hit in disappointment of something not working out in your favor, but that simply means that better things are definitely coming your way. Believe it or not, the mundane obligations and chores of life still have the potential of being beautiful, you just have to let it. Romanticize to the point that nothing and no one can harm your vision for yourself. The love that you give back to yourself automatically emanates through to everyone and every place around you. You DESERVE to think of yourself as the main character. Become exactly who you want to be through changing your mindset to reframe the limiting beliefs you, society, or the people around you made you believe are true. In order to be the person you want to be, you absolutely have to put in the work. It won’t happen overnight. But by committing to yourself every day and viewing the world through your own eyes in a more glorified manner, you will inevitably become everything you’ve ever wanted to be. You are the main character.

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