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clarissa jane

Every so often, there comes a time in life where we’ll reach a crossroads. Some roads are more material; choosing between different job offers, clothes to wear, or houses to rent. Material roads have an arguably easier route of solution: pros and cons lists, talking with friends, even financial green or red flags all to collaborate and weigh in on the deciding factor. What often gets lost in the mix of material crossroads, are the moral crossroads.

It is not the action that defines the character of a person, but how that person handles that action thereafter it is done. We are all human, we will feel like we choose the “wrong” roads sometimes. First and foremost, take comfort in the fact that there are no wrong roads. Each and every decision you make will lead you to your next destination. It is then up to you whether or not you like the road you’re traveling down, or if you’d prefer to take the next train back home. Do you like the passengers that are traveling alongside you or will you change seats soon?

If you find yourself with the same kind of problems coming to you, you’ve reached a crossroads. Now comes the time where you are granted the opportunity to do things differently. In order to move away from potentially unpleasant, repeated patterns, picture a reality in which you live, that you are already the version of yourself you ideally want to be. Perhaps that’s a version of you who handles conflict better, or you wish to not take things so personally. Perhaps it's a version of you that has better eating habits, or socializes more. Inevitably, you will reach a moment where you have a choice on how to alter the course that you’re currently on. Pause, take a moment and think, “Who do I want to be?”. It won’t always be the comfortable choice, but there is growth in uncomfortability. 

If you know you want to feel like a different, more evolved person but you don’t necessarily know how, that is a-okay. There is unfortunately no switch you can flip that will automatically change your mindset or thought process, but scale it back to smaller steps. The first hurdle is recognizing you want a change, then practicing “catching yourself” in the moment. We as humans often get so used to the flow we’ve created, it can be extremely difficult to recognize what we do as we’re on autopilot. Hindsight will always be 20/20, but by taking a little bit more time, mindfulness will start to take over to help form responses rather than reactions or habit. 

Give yourself some grace, be patient with yourself and No matter what crossroads you’ve reached, you will get through it. The obstacles in our paths are apart of our paths. We get the amazing opportunity to navigate them however we see fit, and it’s all trial and error. Don't forget to breathe!

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